Saturday, March 15, 2008

Submarine ride! Ninja turtle ride?

Thirty years ago, a movie thriller entitled ‘The Spy Who Loved Me’ hit the silver screen. And who would have thought, the floating/diving car is finally here!

The sQuba was presented by Rinspeed’s Zero-Emission World Debut at the Geneva Motor Show. This model was hailed as the Green “Fish” with Q-Factor.

While “smokers” (geothermal manifestations underwater) in the ocean floor emit sulfuric substances from the lava, this car model will make sure that the acidity of seawater will not get higher. Haha. Oh wait, does this car present the idea of abolishing the use of submarines? Hmmm..

Getting deeper into the oceanfloor however, will give you the chance to see the cracked surfaces where riftia worms are found. Hmm creepy. Well then, it is your chance to check if these worms will lead you to the gates of hell, wargh. Does this mean too that you will possibly encounter near death experience since satan’s soldiers are just around the ocean floor. Hmm.. If this idea slithers under your skin, just remember that when you didn’t pray, you will really worry, but if you prayed, don’t worry.

Going back to the sQuba car, it was demonstrated impressively by Roger Moore in ‘The Spy Who Loved Me” when he dove below the waves. However, the scene was clearly animated. Now with this world’s first real submersible car, that movie fake is brought into reality for visitors of the Geneva Motor Show last March 2008.

Rinspeed’s Frank M. Rinderknecht (52) is known for his astonishing automotive innovations. And indeed, sQuba is one heck of a breakthrough! This acknowledged James Bond enthusiast and Swiss automobile visionary was reportedly revisiting the scene in his mind over and over. He said that for three decades, he has been imagining the possibility to build a car that can fly under water. Today, he has apparently broken the barriers. He proves that his dream is finally over. He is living it.

sQuba can probably be a good ride for military intelligence groups. But apart from military vehicles, this ride is submerged stabile flight at a depth of 10 meters. Military vehicles can go under water, which means that they are limited to driving slowly over the submerged ground. Rinderknecht said that it was not simple to make a car watertight and pressure resistant enough to be driven under water. Definitely, the challenge taken was to create that submersible car that can swim like a fish in water.

Driving underwater will perhaps oblige Rinderknecht yield to several questions. One of this is health conditions of riders. Scientifically, as we get nearer to the center of the earth (or getting deeper from the sea level), nitrogen increases and oxygen decreases. Like scuba divers, the occupants’ breathing air will come from an integrated tank of compressed air.

Also, Rinderknecht implies that for safety reasons, the vehicle was designed as an open car so that occupants can get out quickly in case of an emergency. And aside from safety, an open-top design is made for other reasons. With an enclosed volume of just two cubic meters of air, the vehicle’s weight would have to increase by two tons (!), which is favorable for counteracting with the unwanted buoyancy. This gives the “sQuba” a land mobility of a turtle. Once you get out of the “sQuba”, it will surface automatically. Amazing huh?

Aside from being an amazing submersible car, sQuba was converted into a diving dream in the facilities of Swiss engineering specialist Esoro. When it is brought out from the water, sQuba lands as a cool sports car.

It took a lot of engineering concepts to obtain the state-of-the-art ride like sQuba. The combustion engine was removed and replaced by numerous electric motors. Three motors are found in the rear: one of these provides propulsion on land while the other two drive the screws for underwater motoring. Two powerful Seabob jet drives in the front are included in the design to allow ‘breathing’ through special rotating louvers from HS Genion (for closing and opening of the water intake). The rotating outlet jets were engineered for light weight, yet twist resistant by using high-tech nano materials (Carbon Nano Tubes).

If one of these days the sQuba steals a breathtaking moment in your sight, don’t worry, it won’t harm you. Haha. If perchance the driver lets you drive it down the road or under water (even car floats), make sure that you will be carefully drive it. When cracks are brought into the doors, water will flow in. tsk tsk. Big problem. The sQuba will not float at all. It will stay under water for good. Harhar.

The sophisticated laser sensor system from the Hamburg company Ibeo is intended for keeping the sQuba efficient when driven on land, without any help from the driver or passenger. The Power is supplied by rechargeable Lithium-Ion batteries! This car produces no exhaust emissions. Its filling station is the water reservoir.” Further, be more amazed by the energy-saving LED lighting technology.

Focusing on the exterior design, there are 3-D foil elements with embossed fish and sharkskin patterns from Wetzel Processing Group and Hornschuch. These give visual pizzazz and streamline. Together with the flashy elements from Foliatec, you will also notice the harmonious velvety matt-white appeal.

The stainless coil-over suspension from KW automotive and large Pirelli tires are mounted on custom-made forged light-weight wheels from AEZ with 17and 18-inch diameters. An innovative salt-water resistant interior from Strähle is also included since it is a mere fact that corrosion is the biggest enemy to combat with when driving underwater.

Diamonds are a girl’s best friends right? This is the reason why + Hess features genuine mother-of-pearl trim and diamond-plated non-slip inlays from KGS Diamond are found in sQuba too. Along with these are the high-tech VDO instrument cluster and controls that create a futuristic ambiance, while allowing full control of all vehicle functions even while submerged.

As a unique car, unique maintenance products are also required for it. The Motorex lubricants are used in the ‘sQuba”. These are biodegradable.

Are you flooded with the flabbergasting features of sQuba? Well, it is time to save some pennies because its price is probably not a joke. For now, buy a turtle.

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