Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Preparing for a Road Trip?


Traveling on highways and small tree lined country roads is possibly more exciting and adventurous than driving down the streets of the city. However, before you drift off the exit and direct through a long trip, remember that you may need to travel miles before you come across a gas station, house, or mechanic. Once you exit major roads and settlements you must be sure that you have prepared your car, old or new, for a road trip.

Of course, you have to start preparing for the trip by planning the journey. Equip yourself with a road map and study the roads you will take, and then decide where you will spend the night if the trip is approximated for more than a day. Have a list of important things that you will need to pack. Also, keep noted of emergency numbers that you may need to contact during the journey.

Take note of these preparation tips to further keep your journey trouble- free:

  1. Have your car thoroughly inspected over at a garage. Set major tune ups and repairs at least two weeks in advance so that any minor adjustments will be done before you finally drift off the exit.

  2. All fluids must be topped up or replaced. These include transmission fluid, brake oils, engine oils, battery fluids, and coolants. If your destination is warmer or cooler than home, do the necessary adjustments with the anti-freeze and water mixture that will suit your destination.

  3. Have the tires checked and aligned. Make sure that the worn out tires are replaced and properly inflated. Once you realize the importance of getting a mobile puncture repair kit, pressure gauge, and a small portable air tank, have them so.

  4. Check if all doors and boot locks are working. Also, be sure that windows are in good working order too. Do a physical check on the boot; check the tool box, spare tire, and jack.

  5. Equip the glove box a set of car papers, insurance documents, and list of emergency numbers. Always ensure that you bring the handy manufacturer's manual. Also, have a small box containing prescription medicines, a torch, and spare batteries.

  6. It important that there is at least one charger for your mobile phones.

  7. have yourself with AA membership, but if you already have one, make sure that you get their 24/7 assistance numbers.

  8. Ring a friend or family member before you head to your destination. Let them know such destination.

  9. if ever you have some serious medical problems, be sure to consult your doctor before leaving on a long road trip. All your insurance papers (medical and car insurances) should be in good order. Keep a copy of your medical records with you as preparation for any emergency.

  10. Have all the gas and mains shut before leaving and locking up the house with a check list by your side. Do not leave a set of keys on the lintel or under a pot. Once you are planning to be away for a while, keep the neighborhood informed so that they will watch your place. Also if possible, let the police station know it too so that they will be vigilant. Once also possible, you can get a house sitter.

Having all these tips taken, relax. Never get burnt out with too much preparation in just one day. As I said, do consider doing these tips weeks before you leave. Do not get into cramming! This can possibly lead to problems. Be organized and have all things done in days not in hours. If you are not confident with other troubleshooting, you can always find an excellent auto mechanic to help you. Spare your pretty hands my dear. Nevertheless, do not have all the jobs done by the mechanic. You need to learn his tasks especially when you are off for a travel alone. There might be some time that you have no one to depend on so be sure that you can survive independently.

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